On Valentine's Day by Diane Hein

            Kisses, caresses and hugs
            Multiplying today
            Dinners bought
            Candles lit
            Chocolate given
            Red hearts everywhere!
            I treasure romance today
            And every day!

          Celebrating Love by Diane Hein
            Valentine's Day and Christmas
            The two days of celebrating love
            When card sales soar
            Gifts are given
            And hearts are more aglow.
            These forty-eight hours go too fast
            But I'll cherish these holidays anyway
            Until the glorious time
            When each day more love is found.

            Title will not be on photo when purchased unless desired.
            All prints are signed by me, Diane Hein, in lower left hand corner.

            How to Order

           More poetry on love  below


What Is Love? by Diane Hein

What is love we all ask
A feeling?
A sentiment?
An emotion?
A verb?
A noun?
An adjective?
Definitions are not possible
For how do you define God?

On Love by Diane Hein

Duty calls us
Beckoning us to love
Caring souls we are
Born to cherish another's heart.
And in that loving
We seek to be loved
And accepted.

Haiku by Diane Hein (17 syllables or less in 3 to 4 lines each)

Love is a short word
But it always speaks
At length.
The heart that loves
Speaks volumes
Without one word.
Love is like fog
Blinding us
To our differences.
Let me sing love songs
Even when
Love has gone away.
Love is a game
Two people
Winning at monopoly!
Love is blind
But I am always
Open to seeing it.
Love me hard
Love me well
Love me long.
Love overlooks
The imperfections
I try to hide.
I'm open
To learning foreign languages
Like love.
Love accepts all
Even when
The toilet seat is up!

Take Your Lady to a Ball!  by Diane Hein

Take your lady to a ball
Make her your queen above all!

Tell her how's she so pretty
She'll smile and be so flirty.

Dance with her into the night
She'll then hug you very tight.

But bring her flowers before it all
She'll then make you feel ten feet tall!


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